Professor Emerita, TESOL
Providence University College & Theological Seminary
Contact Information
7996 Elderberry Road, Chilliwack, BC V2R 6G6
Phone: 672-975-3005
Send email to Gail
Professional Experience
2013 – Present: Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks, Regional Coach for PBLA
2006 – 2013 Adult Language Training, Manitoba, Workplace EAL: Teacher; Mentor; Curriculum Developer
1997 – Present: Providence Theological Seminary, Faculty
1996 – 1997: Providence University College, Faculty
1989 – 1995: Providence University College, Adjunct faculty
1990 – 1995: South Eastman English and Literacy Services: ESL Teacher; Program Coordinator
1987 – 1989: Peel Board of Education: ESL teacher; Curriculum Developer; Supervisor
1969 – 1986: SEND International, Philippines, Missionary
1967 – 1968: Tyndale University College, Adjunct Faculty
Teaching Fields
(Graduate and Undergraduate levels)
Second Language Acquisition/Psycholinguistics
Applied Linguistics /Morphology, Phonology, Syntax
Methods and Materials in TESOL
Language Teacher Education Language Curriculum Development
Sociolinguistics Assessment, Placement, and Evaluation
TESOL Intensive Summer Institutes
Practicum supervision for TESOL and TTESOL
Professional Honours
TEAM Manitoba Teacher of the Year Award 2000
Lieutenant Governor’s Medal for Literacy 2006
English Language Curricula
The Lost Son: EFL Language Curriculum for Children (Level 2), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2019
The Good Samaritan: EFL Language Curriculum for Children (Level 1), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2019
Who is Jesus? Part Three: Betrayal to Resurrection (for children grades 4-6), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2019
Who is Jesus? Part Two: Miracles and Teachings (ESL for children grades 4-6), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2019
Who is Jesus? Part One: Birth to Temptation (ESL for children grades 4-6), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2019
The Easter Story: Five Bible Studies for English Learners. Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2018
Daniel in the Persian Empire, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2017
The Christmas Story: Four Bible Studies for English Learners, Joy Two Publications 2017
The Promised Saviour, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2016
Founding of the Christian Church, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2016
The Good Samaritan–Pre-beginner, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2016
Luke’s Family Portraits, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2016
Faith Ancestors (Revised), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2016
Faith Metaphors: I Am… (Revised), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2016
Life of Peter, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2015
The English Vowel System, How Do You Say That? Vol. 1, (Revised/Audio), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2015
The English Consonant System, How Do You Say That? Vol. 2, (Revised/Audio), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2015
The Melody of English, How Do You Say That? Vol. 3, (Revised/Audio), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2015
The Life of Joseph, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014
The Prodigal Son, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014
Discussion Guide: I Am…Metaphors, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014
Discussion Guide: The Lamb of God, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014
Discussion Guide: Abraham’s Family, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014
Discussion Guide: Acts of the Apostles, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014
The English Vowel System, How Do You Say That? Vol. 1, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014
The English Consonant System, How Do You Say That? Vol. 2, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014
The Melody of English, How Do You Say That? Vol. 3, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014
The Peace Seekers Instructor Manual, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014
The Good Samaritan, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2013
Developing Listening & Speaking Skills: First Century Christianity Vol. I, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2012
Developing Pronunciation Skills: First Century Christianity Vol. II, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2012
Developing Reading and Writing Skills: First Century Christianity Vol. III, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2012
Developing Grammar Skills: First Century Christianity Vol. IV, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2012
Developing Academic Reading Strategies: First Century Christianity Vol. V, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2012
Developing Academic Writing Skills: First Century Christianity Vol. VI, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2011
English for Work, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2012
Faith Encounters I: Academic Writing Supplement, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2011.
Faith Foundation: The Lamb of God, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2011.
Faith Metaphors: The Gospel of John, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2011.
Faith Ancestors, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2011.
Faith Portraits II: Witnesses to All Nations (Acts), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2011
EAL for Manufacturing, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2009.
Faith Portraits I: The Family of God (Gospel of Luke), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2010.
Faith Encounters II: Believing in Jesus (Gospel of John), Revised Edition, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2010.
Faith Encounters I: Living by Faith (Hebrew 11), Revised Edition, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2010
Faith Journey II: Following God’s Plans (The Life of Peter), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2009.
The Life of Joseph, Faith Journey I: Following God’s Dreams, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2009.
EAL for Loewen Windows, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2008.
Canadian Holidays & Special Days, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2008.
The Elma Street Treasure (coordinator, co-author), Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2004
The Peace Seekers: The Story of the Canadian Mennonites from the Reformation to the Present (co-author) , Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 1995
TESOL Courses
Teaching English as a Foreign Language, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2020
Developing English Teaching Skills, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2018
How to Develop Reading and Writing Skills, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2017
How to Develop Listening and Speaking Skills, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2016
How to Develop Pronunciation Skills, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2016
How to Develop Grammar Skills, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2015
Additional Publications
Guide to Assessing English Skills, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications 2019
Methods and Materials in TESOL: Class Notes, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014.
Second Language Acquisition: Class Notes, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014.
Applied Linguistics II: Class Notes, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014.
Applied Linguistics I: Class Notes, Steinbach, MB, Joy Two Publications, 2014.
Manitoba Core Language Learning Objectives for Canadian Language Benchmarks (editor, contributor), 2005.
Canadian Language Benchmarks: A Guide to Implementation (consultant), Centre for Canadian Language Benchmarks, 2005.
ESL Handbook for ESL Teachers, Ontario, Peel County Board of Education, 1989.
Towards a Happy Home (co-author), Quezon City, RP, Conservative Baptist Publications, 1986.
‘Teaching Good Samaritan for Children’, Professional Development, One-day Workshop for Ethiopian Missionaries, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 18, 2020
‘Teaching EFL as Christian Mission’, Five -day Course- Evangelical Theological College, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 13-17, 2020
‘How to Teach EFL to Children’, Professional Development, Half-day Workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 11, 2020
‘Teaching Children EFL’, Professional Development, Half-day Workshop, Arba Minch, Ethiopia, January 8, 2020
‘Teaching Pronunciation’ Professional Development –Half-day workshop, London, Ontario, November 14, 2019
‘Teaching ESL Effectively’, Professional Development –Half-day workshop, London, Ontario, October 24, 2019
‘Tips for Teaching ESL’, Professional Development –Half-day workshop, London, Ontario, September 7, 2019
‘Developing Effective Teaching Skills’, Twelve–day TEFL Conferences, Arba Minch, Wolaita, Durame. Woliso, Ethiopia, July 5-20, 2019
‘Working Together in the ESL Classroom’, Professional Development –Half-day workshop, London, Ontario, April 7, 2019
‘How to Teach English Pronunciation’, Five-day Professional Workshops, Wolaita, Ethiopia, January 19-23, 2019
‘How to do Language Assessment’, Professional Development- Half-day Workshop, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, January 17, 2018
‘Ethiopia in July’, One Hour Presentation, London, Ontario, September 25, 2018
‘Developing ESL Teaching Skills’, Professional Development –Two Half-day workshops, London, Ontario, August 25 & 28, 2018
‘Developing English Bible Teaching Skills’, Twelve-day TEFL Conference, Debre Zeit, Ethiopia, July 9-21, 2018
‘How to Teach ESL Using the English Bible Text’, Two-hour workshop, Toronto, Ontario, SOCEM (Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries), October 28, 2017
‘How and Why Use English Bible Texts in ESL Classes’, Half Day Workshop, London, Ontario, September 16, 2017
‘Seasons of Life’, One- hour Session, London, Ontario, November 4, 2017
‘How TESL Programs and Other Organizations are Responding to the PBLA Demand’, TESL Canada Conference Presentation, Niagara Falls, Ontario, June 10, 2017
‘Ethiopian English Teacher Training’, Professional Development –Half-day workshop, London, Ontario, June 9, 2017
‘Teaching English as Christian Service’, Professional Development –Half-day workshop, London, Ontario, May 14, 2017
‘Revisiting the Rhythm of English’, Professional Development –Half-day workshop, London, Ontario, April 7, 2017
‘Principles of Teaching English’, Professional Development –Half-day workshop, London, Ontario, March 29, 2016
‘A Woven Carpet’, London, ON, October 25, 2016
“How to Create ESL Curricula Using English Bible Texts”, Toronto, ON, SOCEM (Southern Ontario Cooperative of ESL Ministries), October 22, 2016
“Introducing CCLB PBLA Implementation Package”, TESOL Professional Development – one-day workshop, Hamilton, ON, September 15, 2016.
“Introducing CCLB PBLA Implementation Package”, TESOL Professional Development – one-day workshop, Toronto, ON, September 9, 2016.
“If There’s no Learning, There’s No Teaching”, Professional Development-Half-day workshop, London, Ontario, August 27, 2016.
“Developing English Bible Teaching Skills”, SIM –Five-day workshop, Babogaya, Ethiopia, July 11-15, 2016.
“Teaching English as Christian Mission”, SIM- One- day workshop, Toronto, Ontario, June 4, 2016
“Key to English Pronunciation”, Professional Development –Half-day workshop, London, Ontario, April 23, 2016
“PBLA Foundations”, One- day workshop, Toronto, Ontario, February 19, 2016
“How is Language Learned”, Professional Development, Half-day workshop, London, Ontario, January 16, 2016
“Principles of Teaching English”, Professional Development, Half-day Workshop, London, Ontario, September 10, 2015
“Cycle of Learning Tasks”, London, Ontario, Professional Development- Half-day workshop, August 29, 2015
“Developing Effective Teaching Skills”, Two-day workshop for China Partners, Xian, China, March 2015
“Being an Effective English Teacher,” London, Ontario, November 22, 2014.
“Teaching Grammar in Context,” Two Workshops at the Manitoba Adult EAL Curriculum Launch, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 20, 2009.
“Developing Workplace Specific Curriculum, Materials and Tasks,” TESL Canada Conference, Moncton, N.B. May 29, 2008.
“Developing Workplace Specific Curriculum, Materials and Tasks,” Workshop at the TEAL Manitoba Conference, February 22, 2008.
“The Role of Teaching EAL & TESOL in Higher Education,” Groundbreaking Ceremony for New Student Centre, Providence College & Seminary, March 2008
“Language is the Home of Human Life,” Acceptance Speech for Lieutenant –Governor Medal for Literacy, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 16, 2006
“Welcoming All ESL Learners,” Plenary Speech for the TESL Manitoba Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 14, 2005.
“Developing Speaking Tasks,” Two Hour Workshop at the TESL Manitoba Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, February 14, 2005
“Designing Content Based Curriculum,” Long Beach, California, International TESOL Conference, March 29, 2004
“Functional Grammar in the Classroom,” Regional Conference of TESL Manitoba, February 9, 2004.
“Preparing Tasks for Learning in the ESL Classroom,” Regional Conference of TESL Manitoba, February 10, 2003.
“A Bicycle Built for Two: Learning and Teaching.” Regional Conference of TEAM (Teachers of English to Adults in Manitoba), October 25, 2002.
“Core Phonological Features of English: Effective for Learners to Learn,” TESL Manitoba Conference, February 11, 2002
“Readers’ Digest Version of the Guide to Implementation of the CLB,” SALLSA Professional Development Session, Steinbach, Manitoba, December 13, 2001.
“Learning Styles & Teaching ESL,” TEAM Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, October 19, 2000.
“Take Me Out to the Ballgame: Spring Training & the TEAM Spirit.” Plenary Speaker for TEAM Conference, Winnipeg, Manitoba, May 6, 2000.
“Russian Cultural Patterns in the English Classroom,” Steinbach, Manitoba, April 6, 2000.
“The Culturally Unique Student,” Workshop, Otterburne, Manitoba, October 19, 1999.
“Are the Meanings Right There in the Words?” TESL Manitoba, February 14, 1999.
“Time, Tense & Aspect,” TEAM Conference, October 19, 1998.
“Tense is not Time.” TESL (Manitoba) Conference, February 13, 1997.
“The Melody of English: Stress, Rhythm and Pitch as Keys to Communication,” TESL Manitoba Conference, February 21, 1997.
“Integrating Content, Language Skills and Learning Strategies,” TESL Manitoba Conference, February 21, 1997.
“Not Just What You Say, But How You Say It!” TESL (Manitoba) Conference, February 17, 1995.
“Grammar in the Learner-Centered Classroom,” TESL (Manitoba) Conference, February 15, 1994.
“Accent on Pronunciation,” TESL (Manitoba) Conference, February 14, 1994.
“Teacher Training Seminar for Russian English Teachers,” Almaty, Kazakhstan, October 15-24, 1993.